About rugrats, minivans, The South, photography, farmer's markets, puberty, Army, snotty noses, blankies, movies, hugs, autism, make believe, homeschooling, sibling rivalry, car seats, weather, in-laws, scribbles, marriage, and somewhere in there, a stoned British reporter.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Umm. . .

. . .packers coming in 36 hours and counting. . .

I'm not freaking out. Really. What? You don't believe me? But I always have this paper bag over my mouth. Honest!

(stress is compounded by the fact that we still have no clue what we are doing from June 24th to about July 3rd. We'll just be homeless and won't know what we're doing or where we are going. With 4 kids and pets in tow. No biggie.)


Lacey said...

It'll be okay, I promise!

Hit the beach for a few days or take a vacation en route!

Angi said...

Do you have a tent? Camp along the way, they'll think you are on vacation, LOL :)

Deep breath...it will be okay & you will be HOME before you know it!