About rugrats, minivans, The South, photography, farmer's markets, puberty, Army, snotty noses, blankies, movies, hugs, autism, make believe, homeschooling, sibling rivalry, car seats, weather, in-laws, scribbles, marriage, and somewhere in there, a stoned British reporter.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stop! Meme time!

Since I am just *so* popular I have been tagged again. This time by Angi.

Here goes:

Favorite person (outside family)? umm, I dunno. I have a ton of awesome friends.

Favorite food? cheese enchiladas

Quirks about you? I don't think anyone has the time to read all of them. I did a post a while back about weird things about me, you can read it here.

How would the person who loves you the most describe you in 10 words or less? umm, I dunno, probably something along the lines of "loonier than a fruitcake".

Any regrets in life? yeah, but trying to move past them.

Favorite Charity/ Cause? March of Dimes

Favorite Blog recently?
Anyone on my blogroll

Something you can’t get enough of? sleep

Worst job you’ve ever had? checker at a grocery store. The job wasn't too bad, but I had a horrid manager. A close second is working the 2 year old room in our church. Me and one other person with TWELVE two year olds for 5 hours. Not exactly fun. When I left that one I actually started sleeping better at night.

What job would you pay NOT to have? killing things, or um "milking" male animals. Saw that one on Dirty Jobs. Ick.

If you could be a fly on the wall, where? the White House, to see what's really going on instead of hearing about it filtered through the press secretary and the media.

Favorite Bible verse right now? Hmm, I'll have to come back and edit this answer in.

Guilty Pleasure? Oreo McFlurries

If you HAD to spend $1,000 on YOURSELF, how would you spend it? absolutely no idea. None.

Favorite thing about your house? that we'll be leaving soon.

Least favorite thing about your house? umm, do I choose the peeling paint, or the vinyl tiles that are disintegrating, or the fact that even though it's on an army base, we're paying way more than what it's worth?

One thing you are bad at? folding clothes and putting them away. I can do laundry till the cows come home, but hate putting them away

One thing you’re good at? being silly with my kids

If you could change something about your circumstances, what? to have the hubby in the Air Force instead of the Army. They treat families better.

Who would you like to meet someday? Anyone on my blogroll!

Who is your real life hero? my great grandparents, they are gone now, but were the greatest examples I have ever seen on how to live.

What is the hardest part of your job? keeping on top of the housework

When are you most relaxed? watching any show or movie I love with headphones on.

What stresses you out? not getting to talk to adults as much as I need to. There are only so many hours in the day you can devote to talking about Care Bears or Thomas the Train.

What can you not live without? deep answer-my kids. Shallow answer-Pepsi.

Why do you blog? to get discovered and rich and famous, telling the story about the time the can of fruit cocktail exploded in the kitchen. Lol! Really-I just like to write. Helps clear my head.

I am not really tagging anyone, but if anyone wants to do this meme and tag people, here are the rules:

1. Answer the questions
2. Link back to whoever tagged you
3. Tag eight bloggers to do the same, 2 from each category.
New/ newer bloggers (since we want to share the love and send them traffic)
Bloggy friends
Bloggers you’d like to get to know better
Bloggers you don’t think will respond, but you hope will


Lacey said...

If you could change something about your circumstances, what? to have the hubby in the Air Force instead of the Army. They treat families better.

Hmmm...here lately I am beginning to wonder about that...

Who would you like to meet someday? Anyone on my blogroll!

You've met me...LOL!

Angi said...

I am thinking our chances of ever meeting are much greater now that you are not in Texas, I never seem to go West...but travel South more often :)