I have had my camera for five years now. We've been through a lot together, my camera and I. At one point, it was even submerged in water and I thought I had lost it forever. After letting it sit for a good 18 months, I discovered it still worked.
Here's where I show just how little I really think of myself: In the past few months, I've noticed that my pictures have been looking a lot better. There's a definite difference in the pictures I take now, and the ones I took when I first got the camera.
When I realized that, my actual reaction was to think that somehow the camera is taking better pictures since it got damaged. The camera has somehow improved.
It couldn't possibly be that *I* have gotten better, right?
Maybe you've gotten better TOGETHER. :P
Your pics ARE quite good of late.
Thanks although no, it HAS to be the camera that has learned and gotten better, right? Lol!
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